cuccioli_di_cane_5 (640x512)

Una delle canzoni preferite dai miei figli a tema fattoria è sempre stata Old MacDonald, ma ho trovata quest’altra che si chiama Bingo che anche è molto carina.

Questa canzoncina popolare è un «clapping game» perché ad ogni strofa viene tolta una lettera dal nome Bingo e al suo posto si battono le mani. Si può sostituire alla parola bingo anche il nome del bambino.

There was a farmer Had a dog and BINGO was his name OH!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N.-G-O, B-I-N.-G-O,

and Bingo was his name oh!


There was a farmer

Had a dog and BINGO was his name OH!

X-I-N.-G-O, X-I-N.-G-O, X-I-N.-G-O,

and Bingo was his name oh!


There was a farmer

Had a dog and BINGO was his name OH!

X-X-N-G-O, X-X-N-G-O, X-X-N-G-O,

and Bingo was his name oh!


There was a farmer

Had a dog and BINGO was his name OH!

X-X-X-G-O, X-X-X-G-O, X-X-X-G-O,

and Bingo was his name oh!


There was a farmer

Had a dog and BINGO was his name OH!

X-X-X-X-O, X-X-X-X-O, X-X-X-X-O,

and Bingo was his name oh!


There was a farmer

Had a dog and BINGO was his name OH!

X-X-X-X-X, X-X-X-X-X, X-X-X-X-X,

and Bingo was his name oh!



Qui troverete delle flashcard con tutti i nomi degli animali della fattoria.