the hokey pokey song

Ai bambini piacciono che canzoni con un testo che suggerisce come ballare. Si tratta di brevi azioni, piccoli movimenti a ritmo di musica, che vengono descritti in inglese nella canzone. È un modo divertente per imparare l’inglese.

Le canzoni da ballare con i bambini sono coinvolgenti. Le parole dei testi si fissano facilmente in testa perché oltre alla musica utilizziamo il movimento. Il corpo riesce a ricordare i gesti che gli facciamo compiere e ci aiuta a ricordare le strofe. Una delle canzoni per bambini che si interpretano con i movimenti è Hokey Pokey. Qui sotto trovate il testo e il video con la musica e i movimenti.

Everybody form a circle
Put your left foot in
Your left foot out
Your left foot in
And shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And turn yourself around
Now put your right foot in
Your right foot out
Right foot in
Then you shake it all about
And then you do the hokey pokey
Turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
You put your head in
You put your head out
Put your head in
And bang it all about
Do the hokey pokey
And turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
Let’s do the hokey pokey!
Let’s do the hokey pokey!
Let’s do the hokey pokey!
That’s what it’s all about
Put your right hand in
Your right hand out
Your right hand in
And shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
Now put your tongue in
And your tongue out
Tongue in
And blblblblbl!
You do the hokey pokey
Turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
You put your bottom in
Put your bottom out
Put your bottom in
You put your bottom out
Put your bottom in
You put your bottom out
Put your bottom in
You put your bottom out
Put your bottom in
You put your bottom out
Put your bottom in
You put your bottom out
Put your bottom in
You put your bottom out
Do the hokey pokey
Turn yourself about
Let’s do the hokey pokey
Let’s do the hokey pokey
Let’s do the hokey pokey
That’s what it’s all about