
In previsione dei lavoretti di Pasqua dei bambini, abbiamo cercato una poesia in inglese ispirata a questa ricorrenza.

Il coniglio di Pasqua è un simbolo della prima festa di primavera e sta assumendo questo ruolo anche da noi. Possiamo trovare tante filastrocche, poesie e canzoni che si ispirano ai coniglietti pasquali.


Easter Rabbits
Five little Easter rabbits
Hold up five fingers
Sitting by the door,
One hopped away, and then there were four.
Bend down one finger.

Hop, hop, hop, hop,
Clap on each hop.
See how they run!
Hop, hop, hop, hop,
Clap on each hop
They think it is great fun!

Four little Easter rabbits
Hold up four fingers
Under a tree,
One hopped away, and then there were three.
Bend down one finger
Repeat refrain.

Three little Easter rabbits
Hold up three fingers
Looking at you,
One hopped away, and then there were two.
Bend down one finger
Repeat refrain.

Two little Easter rabbits
Hold up two fingers.
Resting in the sun,
One hopped away, and there was one.
Bend down one finger.
Repeat refrain.

One little Easter rabbit
Left all alone,
He hopped away, and there there were none.
Hand behind back.

Hop, hop, hop, hop!
Clap on each hop.
All gone away!
Hop, hop, hop, hop!
Clap on each hop
They’ll come back some day.