The little red hen

Vi ricordate la storia della piccola gallinella rossa? Mia mamma me la leggeva sempre quando ero piccola prima di andare a dormire e quando l’ho vista nel libro di first mi sono emozionata! Che meraviglia… l’ho cercata e trovata su you tube e poi ne ho stampata una da far colorare.The little red hen

Once upon a time, a little red hen found some grains of wheat.

“who will help me plant these grains of wheat?”

asked the little red hen.

No, I’m not said the dog.

No, I’m not said the cat.

No, I’m not said the pig.

No, I’m not said the cow.

No, I’m not said the goose.

“Then I will do it myself” said The little red hen.

And she did.

The wheat grew strong and green. Then turned yellow and was full of grains of wheat.

“who will help me cut the wheat?” asked the little red hen.

No, I’m not said the dog.

No, I’m not said the cat.

No, I’m not said the pig.

No, I’m not said the cow.

No, I’m not said the goose.

“Then I will do it myself” said hhe little red hen.

And she did.

The little red hen


“who will help me make bread with the wheat flour?”

asked the little red hen.

No, I’m not said the dog.

No, I’m not said the cat.

No, I’m not said the pig.

No, I’m not said the cow.

No, I’m not said the goose.

“Then I will do it myself” said the little red hen.

“Who will help me eat the bread?” asked the little red hen.

I will, said the dog.

I will, said the cat.

I will, said the pig.

I will, said the cow.

I will, said the goose.

“no you won’t. I will eat it myself” said the little red hen.

And she did.