Halloween: 3 filastrocche per bambini

Che festa sarebbe se non cercassimo una filastrocca a tema? Recitare filastrocche è divertente: sono in rima, si possono recitare o cantare, si possono anche scrivere su un biglietto o farne un cartello da appendere alla porta.

A noi le filastrocche piacciono sempre perché spesso racchiudono tradizioni e atmosfere che è bello ricordare. Ecco tre filastrocche in inglese sul tema di Halloween


Flutter, flutter little Bat

Flutter, flutter little bat

How I wonder where you’re at.

Swooping throught the darkest night

You find a way without a light.

Flutter, flutter little bat

How  I wonder where you’re at!


Five little pumpkins 

Five little pumpkins waiting on a gate

The first one said, “Oh, my it’s getting late!”

The second one said, “There are witches in the air!”

The third one said, “But we don’t care”

The fourth one said, “Let’s run, let’s run”

The fifth one said, “Isn’t Halloween fun?”

The wooo went the wind

And out went the lights

And five little pumpkins rolled  out of sight.



Jack-o-Lantern, Jack-o-Lantern,
You are such a funny sight.

As you sit there by the window,
Looking out into the night.

You were once a sturdy pumpkin,
growing on a curly vine.

Now you are a Jack-o-lantern,
See your night lights shine.