Christmas alphabet

Sfogliando le pagine del libro d’inglese di mia figlia ho trovato un’allegra filastrocca natalizia per i nostri bambini. Fa così: 

C  is for the Candy

trimmed around the Christmas tree.

H  is for the Happiness

with all the family.

R   is for Reindeer

prancing by the window pane.

I   is for  the Icing

on the cake as sweet as sugar cane.

S   is for Stocking

on the chimney wall.

 is for the Toys

beneath the tree so tall.

M   is for the Mistletoe

where ev’ryone is kissed.

A    is for the Angels

who make up the christmas list.

S     is for Santa

who makes ev’ry kid his pet.

Be good and he’ll  bring you ev’rything